Sulayman Ridwan Oladimeji
2 min readNov 30, 2020

One of the reasons why I have always reclused myself from non-political activities of student bodies is the political vibes student leaders infuse into these non-political activities. Directly or otherwise, political actors and their foot soldiers, some who are also students find a way to add some political colours to innocent and selfless actions. Join a medical outreach and pictures taken at the event become a political tool, engage in community sensitization and someone might be ready to sponsor (read hijack) it. The one I find most despicable, is to turn a literary and editorial activity in a political exercise.

I once had to have a rethink about my apathy to student bodies and applied to join the editorial board of a particular students’ association. Excited and full of energy, I delivered on each and every task given to me with diligence, hoping it was all for editorial purposes. The final work was presemted and I was more than astonished to find out the editor-in-chief had not only splashed on some the pages of the work, so called “felicitations” by some political actors, names of several of the the editorial board members (mine inclusive) were omitted. Only about a tenth of the names was listed but a whole page was used in showing appreciation to a state Governor. It’s distasteful and utterly disrespectful to do such to tens of young people who have put in a lot of work, hoping it will be an avenue to exchange ideas and have a contribute their quota.

Young people always have a reason to blame the generation before them for the woes they both are facing. The only solution many (or the loud mouths) put forward is that, the old ones accept they have failed, take their leave and allow the young people take the stage. When asked what strategy they plan on employing to clean the augean stable we found ourselves, they retort; “We go use drone run am”.

Given the same opportunities and in the same circumstances as was given to those before us, my generation would probably expend them in similar manners as those before us or even worse than they did. The state of campus associations and youth organizations around us, paint egregious images for all to see.



Sulayman Ridwan Oladimeji

Medic-in-Training | Books | 🇳🇬 | Jack of Some Trades, Master of None | Ready to [Re/Un] Learn |